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- Alibaba & Avalanche join forces, Sports Illustrated launches NFT ticketing platform, and more! | Newsblastr #12 👉
Alibaba & Avalanche join forces, Sports Illustrated launches NFT ticketing platform, and more! | Newsblastr #12 👉

Hello there!👋
This week we explore the powerful ways AI is shaping the Metaverse and for the most avid blockchain adventurers, we explore the use of Merkle trees for NFT offers on marketplaces.
Plus, we've curated some exciting news, so buckle up and get ready for takeoff! 🚀

Stories from the company rocking the world of Web3.
How AI is Enabling the Metaverse

Discover how AI is revolutionizing the Metaverse by creating more immersive, personalized, and engaging virtual experiences. Explore the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of AI integration in this rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Merkle Tree for NFT Offers on Marketplaces

Explore the use of Merkle trees for NFT offers on marketplaces like Blur and Seaport, with step-by-step code explanations to create an efficient trading mechanism for arbitrary sets of token IDs.
When Did NFTs Start?

Learn about NFTs' history, evolution, and current market trends, as well as their future potential in sectors like copyright protection, real-world asset tokenization, gaming, and art. Uncover the limitless possibilities of NFTs as they transform industries and our daily lives.

💡 Learn | What solutions do we provide?

Our protocol uses the use-right model to enable renters to lend out their NFTs in a safe and secure manner. The way we enable this is by escrowing the NFT in our registry smart contract. The smart contract assigns a use right to the renter when the NFT is rented. The project that wants to make use of collateral-free renting must check our registry contract to see if someone is renting an NFT, therefore this solution requires integration between the reNFT smart contract and the project. This can be done as easily as pinging the reNFT SDK.

Web3 Gaming Show

Latest Web3 Scoops
"Blockchain gaming investment skyrockets YoY!"

Where gaming and finance meet in Web3 has been termed GameFi, and it has been growing by leaps and bounds over the past few years. There are even several data analytical resources to try and figure out what are the hottest blockchain and Web3 games currently available. Cointelegraph Research dove into this topic head-on and developed a top 20 games report.
The report highlights that gaming investment skyrockets YoY, with revenues reaching $2.3 billion in 2022! Metaverse and NFTs are playing a huge role in driving user adoption and engagement.

Alpha to Help You Stay Ahead

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